I have curated this special gift box just for you, a woman who embodies the roles of mother, teacher, and inspiration to the next generation. As you nurture our future leaders, may this box be a token of self-honor through self-love, positive self-talk, and self-care practices. 

READ: Dive into my book, “Tomorrow’s Children: How to Raise Children to be Human in a High-Tech Society,” and ponder the words, “Imagine who you want your child to be…and become that.” — Dr. Mahalia Ann Hines 

REFLECT: Start your day by using the heart-shaped mirror as a symbol to reflect the Light and Love you wish to see in the world – your God-Given Light. Utilize the pen and the heart-shaped sticky notes to craft a short message that speaks life into your heart and the hearts and minds of our young ones each and every day. 

REST: After caring for others throughout the day, remember to make your own self-care a priority. Drown out the noise of the external world with your ear plugs, pamper yourself with the Dream the Night Away Lotion, Spray the Pain Away, and Essential Oil Mood Mist from our wonderful friends at Asutra as you prepare for a restful night’s sleep. Before you drift off, savor a few words of affirmation and appreciation from my Son, COMMON, specially crafted for you. I am hopeful that my book and these offerings resonate with you; please share your thoughts with us via email at info@belightandlove.com or connect with us on Instagram @dearmamahines. Enjoy the journey!